- Most of the projects are followed up with the extra work in order to submit them to the top-conferences.
- List courses you deem relevant in your application for MLMI praktikum.
Q: Is it okay to not have grades for I2DL or ML yet, but have other related coursework and/or relevant work experience? A: Yes, please mention that you have taken the course, but do not have the grade yet;
Q: Do we get to choose the project to work on or will it be assigned automatically? A: The projects are predefined, and you can bid on your preferences. We usually try to match to top 2/3 preferences of each person;
- email to all organizes: mlmi-course@camp.cit.tum.de
- slides with previous semester projects: https://collab.dvb.bayern/spaces/TUMmlmi/pages/1306500034/MLMI+Summer+2025