My goal was to add RecentNotes component to the layout of the home page but not to the all notes. To do so, the steps where following:

  1. Add a custom OnlyFor component under: quartz/components/OnlyFor.tsx
  2. Export it in: ./quartz/components/types.ts
  3. Use it to define layout in ./quartz.layout.ts
  4. Add recent_notes : trueproperty to my home page via Obsidian.

Custom OnlyFor component

import { QuartzComponent, QuartzComponentConstructor, QuartzComponentProps } from "./types"
interface OnlyForOptions {
   * The properties to check for
  properties: string[];
export default ((opts?: Partial<OnlyForOptions>, component?: QuartzComponent) => {
  if (component) {
    const Component = component
    function OnlyFor(props: QuartzComponentProps) {
      const hasAllProperties = opts?.properties?.every(
        property => (props.fileData.frontmatter?.[property] === true
          || props.fileData.frontmatter?.[property] === "true")
      return hasAllProperties ? <Component {...props} /> : <></>;
    OnlyFor.displayName = component.displayName
    OnlyFor.afterDOMLoaded = component.afterDOMLoaded
    OnlyFor.beforeDOMLoaded = component.beforeDOMLoaded
    OnlyFor.css = component.css
    return OnlyFor
  } else {
    return () => <></>
}) satisfies QuartzComponentConstructor

Using OnlyFor component

As I wanted to add RecentNotes component only for only homepage I changed following in the ./quartz.layout.ts

export const sharedPageComponents: SharedLayout = {
  head: Component.Head(),
  header: [],
- afterBody: [],
+ afterBody: [
+   Component.OnlyFor(
+     { properties: ["recent_notes"] },
+     Component.RecentNotes(
+       { showTags: false }
+     )
+   )
+ ],

And proceeded to add the property in Obsidian, cmd+P and then search for Add file property and add recent_notes property with a value true.